If you do not have access to ‘Branding’ you may not have the correct user permissions
By default each control panel instance in branded Enhance. The Enhance control panel can be fully customise to match the look and feel of your brand.
Any custom branding settings will automatically apply to all direct customers and Reseller accounts on your estate.
Customisable options:
- Organisation name is your customer facing brand name and is used to identify your organisation.
- Support documentation URL If provided a ‘support’ icon will be displayed in the spine of a user’s account.
- eCommerce URL If provided a ‘Buy new' button will appear on a customers 'Package' section.
- Billing URL
- System generated emails from address This is the from address system emails will be sent from
- Logo will replace the Enhance logo displayed on a white background
- Inverse logo will replace the Enhance logo displayed on a black background
- Favicon will replace the Enhance favicon shown in the browsers tab
- Login page image will replace the image displayed on the login page
- Log out destination URL will dictate where your customers are taken to when they log out
- Fonts will update the typeface that will be applied globally across the panel
- Buttons is the border radius that will be applied to all call to action buttons throughout the panel
- Colour brand will replace the Enhance accent (blue) colour used throughout the panel
To update your branding settings:
- Open Settings in the left side bar
- Select Branding
- Complete each form and click Save to apply the changes
Click Preview to preview your styling settings before saving your change.