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WordPress 6.3 "Lionel" Unveiled: An In-Depth Exploration

WordPress 6.3, codenamed "Lionel," marks the second major release of the year. This update brings together ten Gutenberg versions into the WordPress core, ushering in exciting features like synced patterns and style revisions. These enhancements elevate the block editor's capabilities and expand your options for customization.

In addition to these user-centric improvements, WordPress 6.3 introduces performance enhancements and developer-focused updates, including a new database query caching system and the introduction of the command palette API.

Let's delve into the world of WordPress 6.3 and explore its myriad offerings.

Site Editor Updates

WordPress contributors are striving to finalize the Site Editor in this version by introducing all the necessary features for block-based customization. Consequently, WordPress 6.3 is brimming with updates designed to enhance the editing experience. Let's examine them in detail.

Synced and Unsynced Patterns

In WordPress 6.3, the worlds of reusable blocks and block patterns converge, revolutionizing customization possibilities. This release introduces two types of patterns: synced patterns, akin to reusable blocks, and unsynced patterns, behaving like regular block patterns. Users can now create patterns directly within the Site Editor, simplifying the process significantly.

To create a synced or unsynced pattern:

  1. Customize a block or group of blocks.
  2. Select "Create pattern/reusable block" from the block toolbar menu.
  3. Give your pattern a name.
  4. Toggle the "Synced" option as desired. Synced patterns function like reusable blocks, while unsynced patterns work as regular block patterns.
  5. Click "Create" to complete the process.

Synced patterns appear in the "Synced patterns" tab on the block inserter panel, while unsynced patterns reside in the "My patterns" category.

Updated Navigation Sidebar

The navigation sidebar in the Site Editor, accessible by clicking the WordPress or site logo at the top-left corner, receives a makeover in WordPress 6.3. It now offers improved options for efficient navigation and component management within the Site Editor.

The new menus on the navigation sidebar include:

  • Navigation: Easily view and rearrange links available in your navigation block.
  • Styles: Select and preview theme style variations, including access to the style book and global styles panel.
  • Pages: List all available pages on your website, including drafts, for easy editing within the Site Editor.
  • Templates: Functioning similarly to previous versions, it displays available templates and allows you to create new ones.
  • Patterns: Replacing the Template Parts menu, this category now contains template parts, synced patterns, and unsynced patterns.

Quick Switch to Template Editing

Editing templates within the Site Editor becomes more convenient with the "Quick Switch to Template Editing" feature. This functionality enables seamless transitions between editing a page and editing its associated template. The "Edit template" button, accessible from the page settings panel, facilitates this swift switch.

Command Palette

The command palette presents an efficient way to navigate between templates, access specific panels, or create new posts and pages. It streamlines the process of finding and executing desired tasks within the Site Editor, offering a valuable shortcut.

The command palette can be found at the top of the Site Editor or accessed via the CTRL+K keyboard shortcut.

Style Revision

Style revision introduces the ability to track and revert style changes made to your website's design. Accessible via the global styles panel, it displays a history of style changes, complete with timestamps and user attributions. This feature empowers you to revert to previous styles with ease.

Reducing Distractions in the Site Editor

Distraction-free mode, a familiar feature in the page and post editor, makes its way to the Site Editor in WordPress 6.3. It declutters the interface by hiding the sidebar, top panel, and block toolbar, fostering a focused editing environment.

For those who still require access to panels, the top toolbar feature offers a solution. It consolidates the block toolbar into the top panel, eliminating the need for additional screen space.

New Blocks

WordPress 6.3 enhances customizability by introducing new native blocks that facilitate the creation of engaging content. Notable additions include:

  • Details Block: Ideal for displaying lengthy content such as code snippets, product details, and spoilers. It comprises a header and collapsible nested block portion, allowing for efficient organization.
  • Footnotes Block: Facilitates the inclusion of footnotes within your content, providing a space for citations and additional information.

Block Improvements

Existing blocks receive enhancements to streamline the editing process. Notable improvements include:

  • Featured Image Aspect Ratio: The post featured image block now includes an aspect ratio control, offering eight orientation options.
  • Post Modified Date Variation: The post date block introduces multiple ways to display the last modified date.
  • Cover Block Enhancements: The cover block gains text design tools to modify text color and typography for all text elements within the block. It also seamlessly transforms between cover and media & text blocks, retaining design customizations.

Performance Improvements and Developer Updates

WordPress 6.3 includes vital under-the-hood improvements to enhance performance and cater to developers' needs.

Dropped Support for PHP 5

With just 3.8% of installations using PHP 5.6, WordPress 6.3 raises the minimum supported PHP version to 7.0.0. Websites running PHP and WordPress 6.2 will continue receiving security updates. It's recommended to upgrade to PHP 7.4 for improved performance and security.

Command Palette API

The introduction of the command palette API empowers developers to add or remove commands within the command palette. Commands fall into three categories: static, dynamic, and contextual, offering flexibility and customization options.

Caching Improvements

The WordPress Performance team enhances the core caching system in WordPress 6.3. Notably, WP_User_Query now benefits from database query caching, reducing overall database query load and improving site performance. Additionally, new cache groups specific to queries provide greater control over cache objects, allowing for tailored cache management.

Update Your Website to WordPress 6.3 Now

Armed with a comprehensive understanding of WordPress 6.3, it's time to prepare your website for the update. Ensure you create a backup and utilize a staging environment to thoroughly test WordPress 6.3 with a copy of your site. This approach minimizes the risk of compatibility issues affecting your live site. In the event of critical errors, you can troubleshoot them in the staging environment before deploying the update to your production site.

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